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Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
19 novembre 2004 |
Avaluació del procés de desintegració de papers recuperats |
Puig Serramitja, Josep
Avaluació del procés de desintegració de papers recuperats |
Puig Serramitja, Josep
19 juliol 2004 |
Avaluació de la toxicitat de metalls pesants i arsènic en diferents models biològics |
Fulladosa i Tomà s, Elena
19 juliol 2004 |
Avaluació de la toxicitat de metalls pesants i arsènic en diferents models biològics |
Fulladosa i Tomà s, Elena
Avaluació de la toxicitat de metalls pesants i arsènic en diferents models biològics |
Fulladosa i Tomà s, Elena
2005 |
Basis set effects on the energy and hardness profiles of the hydrogen fluoride dimer |
Torrent Sucarrat, Miquel
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Luis Luis, Josep Maria
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
Basis set effects on the energy and hardness profiles of the hydrogen fluoride dimer |
Torrent Sucarrat, Miquel
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Luis Luis, Josep Maria
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
5 febrer 2010 |
Basis set superposition error effects, excited-state potential energy surface and photodynamics of thymine |
Asturiol Bofill, David
5 febrer 2010 |
Basis set superposition error effects, excited-state potential energy surface and photodynamics of thymine |
Asturiol Bofill, David
Basis set superposition error effects, excited-state potential energy surface and photodynamics of thymine |
Asturiol Bofill, David
6 juliol 2010 |
Benchmark full configuration interaction calculations for the ground state of three-electron harmonium atoms |
Matito i Gras, Eduard
6 juliol 2010 |
Benchmark full configuration interaction calculations on harmonium atoms |
Cioslowski, Jerzy
13 agost 2024 |
A benchmark study of dioxygen complexes based on coupled cluster and density functional theory |
Swart, Marcel
; Reimann, Marc
Binding of ion pairs in a thiourea-functionalized self-folding cavitand |
Lledó Ponsati, AgustÃ
; Soler Casaponsa, Anna
Binding of ion pairs in a thiourea-functionalized self-folding cavitand |
Lledó Ponsati, AgustÃ
; Soler Casaponsa, Anna
1 juny 2018 |
Binding of ion pairs in a thiourea-functionalized self-folding cavitand |
5 juny 2018 |
Binding of ion pairs in a thiourea-functionalized self-folding cavitand |
Lledó Ponsati, AgustÃ
; Soler Casaponsa, Anna
21 març 2017 |
Binding of ion pairs in a thiourea-functionalized self-folding cavitand |
Lledó Ponsati, AgustÃ
; Soler Casaponsa, Anna
26 juliol 2016 |
Bioinspired copper and nonheme iron models for oxygen activation: unprecedented reactivities |
Serrano Plana, Joan
Bioinspired copper and nonheme iron models for oxygen activation: unprecedented reactivities |
Serrano Plana, Joan
4 juny 2010 |
Bioinspired iron and manganese catalysts for the effective and selective oxidation of alkanes and alkenes |
Gómez MartÃn, Laura
4 juny 2010 |
Bioinspired iron and manganese catalysts for the effective and selective oxidation of alkanes and alkenes |
Gómez MartÃn, Laura
Bioinspired iron and manganese catalysts for the effective and selective oxidation of alkanes and alkenes |
Gómez MartÃn, Laura
24 juliol 2019 |
Bioinspired iron models: from diiron complexes to supramolecular functionalized metallocavitands |
Vidal Sánchez, Diego
16 maig 2022 |
Bioinspired ligands and model substrates for the mechanistic elucidation of oxygen activation and cross-coupling reactions mediated by first-row transition metals |
Magallón Gubau, Carla